- YB Dom posing
- YB Dom sad
The ADUN for Padungan, YB DOMINIQUE NG, was deeply grieved today to witness the increased pace of demolition of the Gambier street heritage buildings. He vehemently condemns the wantonness of the State BN Government in the literal destruction of Sarawak history, for which the State BN Government will bear the weight of the albatross of history around its traitorous neck !
“This is indeed the Darkest Day of the history of Kuching. For this State villainy which happens in front of our eyes, the State BN Government will have to pay a price which is matched only by the gravity of their crime against history and heritage. He calls on the people of Kuching and the rest of Sarawak to deliver the severest of sanctions against the Barisan National of Sarawak in the forth-coming State elections.”
“ Greed and total greed has reached its sinful pinnacle !” YB DOMINIQUE NG, wishes to most humbly and sincerely apologise to the Kuching community and the people of Sarawak, having as yet failed in his effort to the final hours, to save and preserve the old market at Gambier St., in view of the brutal and arrogant force of the ruling elites.
However, all the more, he says, the signature campaign to save the heritage buildings of Gambier St. must continue, so as to express the strong sentiments of the community and the indignation of the people at the tragic turn of events. Virtually all the people met during the signature campaign have expressed their strong desire to see the preservation of the heritage buildings. People decry the fact that the fate of the historic buildings should be in the hands of a few elites.. They share the common feeling that these are priceless relics, not comparable on any basis with “modern’ buildings proposed for the site.
YB Ng makes a final plea to the BN State Government to order an immediate stop to the demolition works and spare the remaining buildings from the same fate as the vegetable market.
He urges the people to support the signature campaign with their utmost enthusiasm, in order to safeguard not just this heritage site, but all other historic sites in Sarawak.
PS - Story is direct from PKR oven. Freshly baked. PKR media address their elected representative YB in their news. While more than important Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as Tokoh yang Berkarisma or Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysiasarawakupdate
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